Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
I'm back
it has been a long time since the last time i posted something on this blog. Now i feel terrible for that :)
Not much special things happened lately, only some EXTRA-ORDINARY things. :D
I am on my last day for the Internation Poultry Course in Deventer, The Netherlands.
Nice country, cold weather, many bikes, and high living cost.
I have enjoyed everything since the first day, meeting new friends, trying something new. Eventhough not all plans ran as I planned, but i can hang in there.
it has been a long time since the last time i posted something on this blog. Now i feel terrible for that :)
Not much special things happened lately, only some EXTRA-ORDINARY things. :D
I am on my last day for the Internation Poultry Course in Deventer, The Netherlands.
Nice country, cold weather, many bikes, and high living cost.
I have enjoyed everything since the first day, meeting new friends, trying something new. Eventhough not all plans ran as I planned, but i can hang in there.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Back again
After spending two weeks busy being a career woman :P it's time to return to my real life, being a loveable chicken doctor :) All my chickens misses me already..
After the election and the incumbent president won again (no surprise) I miss my peaceful Indonesia without all those campaign flags on the side of the streets (looks dirty, you know?)
After a hectic night last night, somebody gets into my house while I wasn't there. Yea, thieves!! Have no idea where am I gonna live anymore :(
After the election and the incumbent president won again (no surprise) I miss my peaceful Indonesia without all those campaign flags on the side of the streets (looks dirty, you know?)
After a hectic night last night, somebody gets into my house while I wasn't there. Yea, thieves!! Have no idea where am I gonna live anymore :(
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
I really really feel knocked out this week.
Have you ever felt like you are the ONLY employee in the company so all of the assignments goes to you?
Presentation in Bandung, Sukabumi, Surabaya and the last one in Makassar infront of the FAO the United Nations. All of those things in one week!!!
Oh well, Im complaining again. I really deserve some rest
Have you ever felt like you are the ONLY employee in the company so all of the assignments goes to you?
Presentation in Bandung, Sukabumi, Surabaya and the last one in Makassar infront of the FAO the United Nations. All of those things in one week!!!
Oh well, Im complaining again. I really deserve some rest
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Think solemnly about Infectious Bronchitis
This coming monday, I will have to do a presentation about Infectious Bronchitis.
Well, presentation is not a new thing for me. But I must say, this Infectious Bronchitis thing that makes me worry. Worry so much.
Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a disease that cause respiratory and reproductive problems in chickens. It is a difficult and complicated disease. IB has sooo many strains, and not all of the strains are cross protection to each other. My hands are shaky everytime I think about all the question that would come up during the presentation..
Wish me luck :p
Well, presentation is not a new thing for me. But I must say, this Infectious Bronchitis thing that makes me worry. Worry so much.
Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a disease that cause respiratory and reproductive problems in chickens. It is a difficult and complicated disease. IB has sooo many strains, and not all of the strains are cross protection to each other. My hands are shaky everytime I think about all the question that would come up during the presentation..
Wish me luck :p
Thursday, June 18, 2009
bigger responsibilities makes me nervous
have anybody ever feel this kind of feelings?
Sometimes I think that I am too young, too small, to have bigger responsibilities. I know it's not good, but that's how I feel right now.
What if I can't bring any good result in this responsibilities?
Sooo many "what if" now hanging in my brain.
Sometimes I think that I am too young, too small, to have bigger responsibilities. I know it's not good, but that's how I feel right now.
What if I can't bring any good result in this responsibilities?
Sooo many "what if" now hanging in my brain.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Can't go back to sleep-natural alarm
something is wrong
usually my eyes will open around 5 am, but lately it opens 30 minutes earlier.
and wont close anymore...aaaaarggggh
usually my eyes will open around 5 am, but lately it opens 30 minutes earlier.
and wont close anymore...aaaaarggggh
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
In the middle of Crossroad
Por toi, mon ami
Je me suis perdue...
pouvez-vou m'aider, s'il vouz plait?
Je me suis perdue...
pouvez-vou m'aider, s'il vouz plait?
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Broiler case today
I was in a commercial broiler chicken farm today.
Those 19 days chickens are suffering respiratory disturbance and leg weakness.
It is not normal to have a respiratory noise in that age.
The farmer will always think that is a form of an microorganism infection.
My suggestion : Before you are suspicious on a disease infection, make sure that your farm management is under good control.
What is happening in this farm :
This farm has a high level of ammonia smell inside the chicken house --> it explains where they gets the respiratory disturbance. Leg weakness is from the ammonia burn from the bedding or litter..
So what makes this ammonia ?
This ammonia is coming from the NH3 of the chicken droppings, the more chicken have watery droppings in the bedding material, it will form Ammonia.
So what makes this watery droppings?
I checked the temperature (HOT), the relative humidity (DRY), and chicken feed (Yes, they switched the feed raw material for a day yesterday). That explains all. Hot temp and dry humidity will makes the chickens open their beak (panting), they will drink more. The feed change will disturb their digestive system balance.
Okay, one case solved today.
Those 19 days chickens are suffering respiratory disturbance and leg weakness.
It is not normal to have a respiratory noise in that age.
The farmer will always think that is a form of an microorganism infection.
My suggestion : Before you are suspicious on a disease infection, make sure that your farm management is under good control.
What is happening in this farm :
This farm has a high level of ammonia smell inside the chicken house --> it explains where they gets the respiratory disturbance. Leg weakness is from the ammonia burn from the bedding or litter..
So what makes this ammonia ?
This ammonia is coming from the NH3 of the chicken droppings, the more chicken have watery droppings in the bedding material, it will form Ammonia.
So what makes this watery droppings?
I checked the temperature (HOT), the relative humidity (DRY), and chicken feed (Yes, they switched the feed raw material for a day yesterday). That explains all. Hot temp and dry humidity will makes the chickens open their beak (panting), they will drink more. The feed change will disturb their digestive system balance.
Okay, one case solved today.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Now I know what it is feels like being numb.
I just don't react on anything that happen anymore.
Hopeless? yeaa maybe, maybe not. Just numb.
the good thing is I don't feel sad anymore when people hurting me.
Sometimes I think that Robocop is a lucky guy, he doesn't have to feel all the pain in this world.
envy Robocop MODE : ON
I just don't react on anything that happen anymore.
Hopeless? yeaa maybe, maybe not. Just numb.
the good thing is I don't feel sad anymore when people hurting me.
Sometimes I think that Robocop is a lucky guy, he doesn't have to feel all the pain in this world.
envy Robocop MODE : ON
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hi all,
I am now relocating to a new place, I mean my company relocate me to a new place.
The new place is Sukabumi, a small town near Mt.Gede, 3 hrs od driving from Jakarta.
I am not complaining, but I started to think about changing careers.
WWF (the world wide fund not the world wrestling federation :p) ? or greenpeace? or the UN? or just private practice? hmm....
any suggestion?
I am now relocating to a new place, I mean my company relocate me to a new place.
The new place is Sukabumi, a small town near Mt.Gede, 3 hrs od driving from Jakarta.
I am not complaining, but I started to think about changing careers.
WWF (the world wide fund not the world wrestling federation :p) ? or greenpeace? or the UN? or just private practice? hmm....
any suggestion?
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Back to Jakarrrrrrta :) Finally
Good to lay on your own bed, after travelling for so long.
I miss snacking on my bed, hehe.
KrispyKreme doughnuts sounds perfect to fit this lazy day.
Have a wonderful weekend lazy sometimes :)
I miss snacking on my bed, hehe.
KrispyKreme doughnuts sounds perfect to fit this lazy day.
Have a wonderful weekend lazy sometimes :)
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Tour de Central Java- Semarang
I'm soooo pissed off. Wasting my time try to help a farmwith an ILT (Infectious LaryngoTracheitis) outbreak, but the farmer rejected all of my suggestions, with all excuses. Well, I kinda wonder why should I help him anyway. There are some people in this world who doesn't care about other people being care to them..
I hope to see more mortality increase in his flock for the next three days
I hope to see more mortality increase in his flock for the next three days
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Tour de Central Java-Salatiga
Sorry, have to write in Bahasa Indonesia. Im soooo not in the mood. (My laptop gets virus, and since im a girl from ancient times, I dont know how to fix me plz?)
Haloooo, gw lg berada di Salatiga. Kota kecil di Jawa Tengah, saking kecilnya kota ini sudah tutup jam 8 malam, :p.
Lagi sumpek, bete, malas bikin blog entries guys, jadi maap yaaaa.
Met vriendelijke groet
Haloooo, gw lg berada di Salatiga. Kota kecil di Jawa Tengah, saking kecilnya kota ini sudah tutup jam 8 malam, :p.
Lagi sumpek, bete, malas bikin blog entries guys, jadi maap yaaaa.
Met vriendelijke groet
Monday, May 04, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
still swine flu
I really wanna write about this, because it takes so much concern..of me especially.
I learned that I already predicted that the pork meat price will go down after the huge media blow ups for the swine flu (or should be called by Mexican flu by now?).
My heart goes with the swine farmer who suffer of all this. Why can't people just take this like we handle Avian Flu in human? With no intention of no respect for all who died (may they rest in peace) and all the family, but please don't take this too much, like this world going to end anyway. HIV AIDS takes more life each second compare to this swine flu. Yes swine flu gotta be eradicated, but this just not how it should be.
Pay more attention how is the impact of the meat industry. Now people are affraid of eating chicken, and today, plus pork. What if the FMD (Food and Mouth Disease) become pandemic as well? we'll stop eating beef? then people would almost have no source of animal protein anymore !!!! what about the farmers?
I'll keep eating pork, anyway, it still taste good :p
What about you guys ?
I learned that I already predicted that the pork meat price will go down after the huge media blow ups for the swine flu (or should be called by Mexican flu by now?).
My heart goes with the swine farmer who suffer of all this. Why can't people just take this like we handle Avian Flu in human? With no intention of no respect for all who died (may they rest in peace) and all the family, but please don't take this too much, like this world going to end anyway. HIV AIDS takes more life each second compare to this swine flu. Yes swine flu gotta be eradicated, but this just not how it should be.
Pay more attention how is the impact of the meat industry. Now people are affraid of eating chicken, and today, plus pork. What if the FMD (Food and Mouth Disease) become pandemic as well? we'll stop eating beef? then people would almost have no source of animal protein anymore !!!! what about the farmers?
I'll keep eating pork, anyway, it still taste good :p
What about you guys ?
Friday, May 01, 2009
Poor pigs
UNL official: Pigs shouldn't be blamed for flu
Posted:04/29/2009 3:29 PM
Despite its name, the outbreak of swine flu should not be blamed on pigs,says the director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Center at the University ofNebraska-Lincoln.
Swine influenza comes from a family of viruses and got its name from the history and evolution of the virus, said Scott McVey, director of UNL’sVeterinary Diagnostic Center in the Institute of Agriculture and NaturalResources.Swine flu comes from a family of viruses with elements of human, swine andavian viruses.
“Pork is not to blame for the swine flu and properly inspected pork is safe to eat,” McVey said. “Pork really is getting a bum rap for all this.”
Cases of the swine flu in Nebraska hog operations have historically beensporadic and relatively low in number, and McVey said there is no evidenceof this changing.“None of the North American instances of swine flu have been linked todirect contact with pigs,” McVey said. “But, some of the ancestors of thiscurrent virus probably did come from swine.
Posted:04/29/2009 3:29 PM
Despite its name, the outbreak of swine flu should not be blamed on pigs,says the director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Center at the University ofNebraska-Lincoln.
Swine influenza comes from a family of viruses and got its name from the history and evolution of the virus, said Scott McVey, director of UNL’sVeterinary Diagnostic Center in the Institute of Agriculture and NaturalResources.Swine flu comes from a family of viruses with elements of human, swine andavian viruses.
“Pork is not to blame for the swine flu and properly inspected pork is safe to eat,” McVey said. “Pork really is getting a bum rap for all this.”
Cases of the swine flu in Nebraska hog operations have historically beensporadic and relatively low in number, and McVey said there is no evidenceof this changing.“None of the North American instances of swine flu have been linked todirect contact with pigs,” McVey said. “But, some of the ancestors of thiscurrent virus probably did come from swine.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
The return of IMELDA..hahaha
Sunday, March 08, 2009
wasting time in Singapore
hi all,
instead of deleting the account, i keep writing it :(
didn't have another blog established YET
Im in Singapore right now. Borrrrrrring...
Take care you all
trying to enjoy life
instead of deleting the account, i keep writing it :(
didn't have another blog established YET
Im in Singapore right now. Borrrrrrring...
Take care you all
trying to enjoy life
Monday, February 23, 2009
A bye bye wave
Dear All belovd friends,
It has been a good experience to share lots of things in this blog. But since I decide to quit my job, then I cannot call myself a chicken doctor anymore. Therefore, I will close this blog by the end of this month. If you have any question reg. chickens and its health, you can reach me at
Still, may God bless all chickens all over the world.
May God bless you
Imelda is my real name
Imelda Manullang, DVM
It has been a good experience to share lots of things in this blog. But since I decide to quit my job, then I cannot call myself a chicken doctor anymore. Therefore, I will close this blog by the end of this month. If you have any question reg. chickens and its health, you can reach me at
Still, may God bless all chickens all over the world.
May God bless you
Imelda is my real name
Imelda Manullang, DVM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sorry I'm not in any mood of posting anything about technical things.
Not in a mood of doing anything right now.
Nobody to blame, nothing to blame, it is all about me.
By the way, I am back to Jakarta again. But right now, i hate this place.
I even hate the way it sound.
Not in a mood of doing anything right now.
Nobody to blame, nothing to blame, it is all about me.
By the way, I am back to Jakarta again. But right now, i hate this place.
I even hate the way it sound.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine
In the early beginning of a Love Day, I started to feel out of love.
Life is pointless now. And it hurts.
Anyway, it's not about red mites or any parasite of the chicken..
For everybody and every chicken who feels lonely in this Valentine's Day,
I'm with you and I'm sorry
Happy Valentine
Life is pointless now. And it hurts.
Anyway, it's not about red mites or any parasite of the chicken..
For everybody and every chicken who feels lonely in this Valentine's Day,
I'm with you and I'm sorry
Happy Valentine
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Sunday Sunday-Red mites part 2
Sorry for haven't updating anything since I have been sick for a week. Not really a serious illness though, but really annoying, seriously.
I had to admit that I already late for my Influenza vaccination booster. Late around umm..3 months..Hehe. I will never forget those chickens vaccination schedule but I forgot my own vaccination (not a good example) :p
I want to share how to look up for RED MITES today. Red Mites are a nocturnal parasites, they active, suck blood and eat skin epithelial at night, but not impossible for you to see these things at day light. The easiest place to find it, is in the cloacal region (umm, chickin butt :) or other area with no feathers like under the wings. See it very closely, because they are transparent when they are not full of blood (or nearly pink). The more easier you see them there, the more heavier the infestation get.
OK, have a good luck with your chickins. Hm..I think I should put how to eliminate these bugs in the next post? Gotta go travelling again
I had to admit that I already late for my Influenza vaccination booster. Late around umm..3 months..Hehe. I will never forget those chickens vaccination schedule but I forgot my own vaccination (not a good example) :p
I want to share how to look up for RED MITES today. Red Mites are a nocturnal parasites, they active, suck blood and eat skin epithelial at night, but not impossible for you to see these things at day light. The easiest place to find it, is in the cloacal region (umm, chickin butt :) or other area with no feathers like under the wings. See it very closely, because they are transparent when they are not full of blood (or nearly pink). The more easier you see them there, the more heavier the infestation get.
OK, have a good luck with your chickins. Hm..I think I should put how to eliminate these bugs in the next post? Gotta go travelling again
Monday, January 26, 2009
Red Mites
Actually I don't want to put anything disgusting in here, but those kind of unpleasant things are my job fields.
I just wanted to share what I had several weeks ago.
Some farmers may not notice this parasite infestation on their birds, but this creatures does makes anemic, may result on poor weight gain and even lower egg production. There are some antiparasitic to eliminate these small little things. But the application has always been the main problem.
If you want to see if your chicken has been infected by Red Mites, open the wing or just around the cloacal area, you could see them there pretty easy ( Not so easy though, maybe some help of magnifier) and red mite is a nocturnal parasite.
Here is an example of heavy infestation of red mites.
Warning : This may look unpleasant
I just wanted to share what I had several weeks ago.
Some farmers may not notice this parasite infestation on their birds, but this creatures does makes anemic, may result on poor weight gain and even lower egg production. There are some antiparasitic to eliminate these small little things. But the application has always been the main problem.
If you want to see if your chicken has been infected by Red Mites, open the wing or just around the cloacal area, you could see them there pretty easy ( Not so easy though, maybe some help of magnifier) and red mite is a nocturnal parasite.
Here is an example of heavy infestation of red mites.
Warning : This may look unpleasant
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Mission Nearly Impossible-2
Should I say, Mission Impossible now?
The mortality of the birds is reaching 8000 now.
Eventhough it is decreasing by today, but still it is a record number for an outbreak.
Almost 25% from the population.
I still have another choice to do, well, it succeded to stop the mortality couple times in my experience. But gotta set the right timing, if not, it'll kill the entire population :(
I think it was just a matter of luck, and this time, it is not my luck.
I should've been here earlier.
Why can't we be present in many places at the same time?
The mortality of the birds is reaching 8000 now.
Eventhough it is decreasing by today, but still it is a record number for an outbreak.
Almost 25% from the population.
I still have another choice to do, well, it succeded to stop the mortality couple times in my experience. But gotta set the right timing, if not, it'll kill the entire population :(
I think it was just a matter of luck, and this time, it is not my luck.
I should've been here earlier.
Why can't we be present in many places at the same time?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Mission Nearly Impossible
I had a case, it is started with Gumboro actually, but now since the gumboro is immunosupression disease, no wonder NewCastle is showing some clinical signs as well. It makes this even more difficult to manage. I will see how it developing within three days. There are not much I can do :( Makes me sad
I had a case, it is started with Gumboro actually, but now since the gumboro is immunosupression disease, no wonder NewCastle is showing some clinical signs as well. It makes this even more difficult to manage. I will see how it developing within three days. There are not much I can do :( Makes me sad
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cloudy Cloudy Jakarta
It has been raining soo heavy for the past two days in Jakarta. Rain means more water in the road, more traffic jam, more stress. Well, It is dark outside just perfect to represent my mood right now :(
I will have to travel again. I miss those chickens. I have a case calling me from East Java, actually the same case happen again. The last time, I finally did manage it back to normal, but somehow it happen again, the same disease, the same pattern. I'm feeling dumb and stupid right now, not only in proffesional life, but in all aspect of life
Sometimes, i just want to be a chicken. Just to sit in a cage, eat, and lay an egg. What a life
I will have to travel again. I miss those chickens. I have a case calling me from East Java, actually the same case happen again. The last time, I finally did manage it back to normal, but somehow it happen again, the same disease, the same pattern. I'm feeling dumb and stupid right now, not only in proffesional life, but in all aspect of life
Sometimes, i just want to be a chicken. Just to sit in a cage, eat, and lay an egg. What a life
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Poor Chicks

I assumed these chicks were misvaccinated on Day Old, because no such clinical sign of any disease on day old chicks. Epidemic tremor of Avian Encephalomyelitis ? Naaaah, I don't think so.
And This? This poor chick had a defect on the beak, not sure whether this is congenital, but could propably an accidentally hurt at the de-beaking process ( They should be more careful at doing that). I tried to manually feed this chick for 2 days, but she couldn't make it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Native Chicken AI Vaccination
Indonesia has decided not to vaccinate all native chicken with Avian influenza vaccine.
For the reason there is not enough antibody titer established after AI vaccination. I wonder, what kind of test did they get the titration? how many weeks after vaccination? what was the application? Confusing :( so many other business interfere in this decision.
How about DUCKS? (the natural reservoir of bird flu?) have you ever think about it?
Bird Flu party in Indonesia to be continued.................
For the reason there is not enough antibody titer established after AI vaccination. I wonder, what kind of test did they get the titration? how many weeks after vaccination? what was the application? Confusing :( so many other business interfere in this decision.
How about DUCKS? (the natural reservoir of bird flu?) have you ever think about it?
Bird Flu party in Indonesia to be continued.................
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Happy New Year !!!
I am glad it is new year. So Happy New Year :)
Cannot put anything technical right now, as I am sooo nervous about big event that I need to face in the next two days. So little time so much to do :( Cross hand hoping I would be able to make it.
Cannot put anything technical right now, as I am sooo nervous about big event that I need to face in the next two days. So little time so much to do :( Cross hand hoping I would be able to make it.
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